I was blog Stalking again and found that a friend of mine (Hello Sarah Baker) is doing a really cool thing in the run up to Thanksgiving. Every day this week she is blogging one thing she is Thankful for. I think it is a fantastic idea and am going to do the same thing. Everyone knows the normal stuff we are all thankful for: Wonderful Family, Great Friends (and I mean most wonderful) The gospel! But I am going to post about other things which I wouldnt mention probably all the time.
Today I am thankful for.......... MoDeRn TeChNoLoGy!!
There are a few reasons I am grateful for these. Firstly as most of you will know (or maybe you dont) Lee and I first starting talking in an online chat room. And then we later made phone calls and the rest is all history. So without these things I wouldnt have been able to meet him (and also without the help my my little sister who talked to him first but thought he was too old!) Which would mean I wouldnt have the most FaNtAsTiC EtErNaL CoMpAnIoN EvEr! Plus I wouldnt have who are in my eyes the most BeAuTiFuL ChIlDrEn ever.
Second I am grateful for these things because they allow me to keep in touch with my dear family and Friends in the states whom I miss terribly. I cant imagine what it would have been like for the pioneers who left places like England, leaving their families, knowing they would never see them or talk to them again. Except through letters of course which took weeks / months for them to receive. So I am so grateful to have been born in a time when these things are so readily available to everyone.
Me too! I don't know what I would do if I lived in Pioneer times. Thank you Internet!
It is wonderful, isn't it. But I really do want to hear more about the story of you and Lee meeting online. Cool.
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