So last week Kaylee came home from School with her glasses all bent out of shape and one of the lenses had popped out. When I asked her what happen she told me how a girl in her class trapped her & knocked her glasses off her face. She also explained how she tried to escape this girl but couldnt. I asked why she didnt tell the teacher and she said the girl wouldnt let her. What I wanted to do and what I did next were two different things. I wanted to tell Kaylee next time it happens punch the girl in the face and show her how to punch properly. But instead I told her next time it happens to scream at the top of her lungs so that the teacher will see her screaming and come and help her out (Her daddy told her to punch the girl, and she said she didnt want to get into trouble. Thanks babe I know I can count on you to tell her to be physical which is why I told her to shout ;) But When all that was done I took her to try & get her glasses fixed. The optician said she could fix them but as they had the same frame on display they would just put the lenses in the new frame. I was fine with that but Kaylee was adamant that she needed new frames because if she had new frames she wouldnt get picked on. I cant afford new frames at the moment and she was sobbing because she thought the little girl would just make fun of her again. I wanted to cry with her!! But the lovely optician said here you take these glasses from me put them in your bag & then tell me you have lost her glasses. If you have lost them than you can have another pair on the NHS for free (I LOVE Socialized Health). So I did it!! I am terrible I know I shouldnt have lied. But does that make me a bad person? Am I a bad person for trying to make my princess feel like the princess she is? For trying to make her happy after some brat at her school had picked on her during the day? I dont think so. My children are the most important people to me in the world I would do anything for them. Including give up my own life and my salvation so that they could be happy through eternity. If when I get to the next life I am standing before my Savior and he says either you can go through to the celestial kingdom or your children I would choose them. So yesterday we picked up the new glasses from the optician and Kaylee is over the moon. She is so happy. She said to me maybe now £*&$*(^@) (the little girls name) wont pick on me. Why are children so mean? At 4 years old my princess should not have to worry about whether she is going to be picked on at school. I know people say growing up in the bubble other wise known as Utah isnt cool. But I never remember bullying happening when I was in school nothing like it is here. Why is that? Who is teaching these kids to be so mean?

New Glasses the frames are hot pink and Dora!

Old Frames Purple with Dora
That is so sad! You did a lot better than I did, I probably would have the desire to go over to the girl, myself, and punch her in the face! I hate it when kids get picked on. But I am glad she got new glasses, the look very cute!
No! No! NO! You are not a bad person.....KIDS FIRST ALL THE WAY!!! I cannot believe that Kaylee has been subject to this at 4 years old...I was nearly crying when I read this! Children can be SO MEAN!!
Kaylee looks really cool in her new glasses!
just think lieing to make her feel better is better than what you should have done to that bratty little girl! kids are just getting so mean these days.
What a beastie little girl. Kids can be REALLY cruel. I don't think it's just a UK thing; it happens everywhere.
Have Kaylee tell the teacher if it happens again, and hopefully the teacher will be able to nip it in the bud (or at least tell the other little girl's mother).
And I think you made the right decision with the glasses.
You did probably the right thing as a mother.... but that is why I am just the Aunt, I agree with Lee! Let Kaylee Kick her A@#!!! Show her that she is tough! At least until Spencer is old enough to do it for her! I am sorry she has to go through this, this is every mothers nightmare! She is adorable!
Love you guys!
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