Thursday, 9 October 2008

Pumpkins & Curls

Ok two things to blog about this morning. Firstly Kaylee LOVES CuRlY HaIr. When she was a baby she used to have the most curly hair until she was about 2 1/2. But now her hair is pretty straight! Quiet often when she is having a bath at night she will ask me if we can put curlers in her hair so we do. I love it and so does she it is so cute when it is all curly. We put them in during the evening and when she wakes up in the morning her hair has BeAuTiFuL cUrLs. I just thought I would put some pictures up this morning of her with her CuRlS. 

From the Back!

When I took this and looked at it the picture was so dark I had to lighten it so you could actually see the curls so I know it isnt great but you get the idea. Plus if I wait till after school her hair will be such a mess and she will be to grumpy to let me take a picture. She is always grumpy after school. She is SOOOO Tired!

The OtHeR thing I was going to post about was her PuMpKiN sHaPeD sAnDwIcHeS. I make Kaylees Lunch every day and when I make her sandwiches I normally get the little cookie cutters out and make them into shapes for her. They tend to be HeArTs and StArS because they are her favorite shapes. But yesterday she asked if since it is almost hAlLoWeEn she could have PuMpKiNs. So for the last few days and likely the rest of the month Kaylee will have PuMpKiNs. Next month will probably be LeAvEs to fall in line with ThAnKsGiViNg and then after that it will be ChRiStMaS TrEeS. She loves it and she says the dinner ladies told her that her mommy must really love her to make special shapes for her sandwiches. They are right I do really LOVE her!!


The Scott Family said...
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The Scott Family said...

Kaylee looks so beautiful! I LOVE her curly hair!

Us said...

beautiful hair. i love curly hair. how fun. you are such a good mom

Sarah Coyne said...

What a great idea with the sandwiches! I'll have to pick up a couple of cookie cutters and try it out. And Kaylee's hair is gorgeous!!