Well I have finally done it. I waited as long as I could but I finally gave in:
I HaVe PuT tHe HalLoWeEn DeCoRaTiOnS UP!! I was going to wait as long as I could but
I COULDN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!! So Tonight for Family Home Evening we put up the decorations and then went out in the freezing cold to get Ice Cream at Fredricks, the next best thing to Charlies (Ohhh how I miss Charlies!!) Anyway I will take some pics of the decor over the next few days (I still need to get some spider webs from the store) But for now here are a few pics from this evening. Spencer is going to be a pumpkin this year. The same one Kaylee was the first few years of her life. And Kaylee wants to be Wall-E. Only problem she saw the costume in Asda one day and when I went back to get it the next it was already
GoNe. I think I have ruined her for life now that she might now be able to be what she wants to be. She asks me every day if the store have gotten it in yet (as if I spend all my time in the shops looking for her Halloween costume) So If they dont get it back in who knows what she is going to be. There is a cute Cowgirl costume! And as she is forever asking me to play music from cowgirls maybe she will settle for that, or maybe she has great taste in music like her mommy.

She insisted on holding up this little black cat that she made last year and saying Halloween. So her mouth is so silly. But I love her none the less!

Half a pumpkin costume. I doubt he will keep the hat on very long on the night as he
HaTeS (with a capital H) Things on his head.
PS the blog had to be a bit Halloweenie as well!! So I changed the background!
I love your background! It's so cute. I thought the samething too. Halloween decorations are just the beginning of fun decorations for the next couple of months!
I love the knew background on your blog...very seasonal!! Might have to change mine now....from one blogging junkie to another!!!
spelt NEW wrong...ooops! Thats kids for you, lack of sleep!
We did the same for FHE, except the Fredricks thing...no Fredricks in Chippenham. We had monster themed Haribo as our treat!
Oh, I remember that cute pumpkin costume!! We have the cutest picture of Nathan and Kaylee as matching pumpkins! Guess what Nathan wants to be this year? Yep, a PUMPKIN again! 4 years running. We are trying to convince him to be something else! (ANYTHING ELSE!)
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