Saturday, 27 September 2008

All Fun And Games

Lately after dinner we have been trying to spend more time as a family doing something so we spend about an hour playing a game all of us. It is actually really fun. Plus we all get some time where we just sit down and enjoy each others company. It is a bit difficult for Spencer at the moment and he seems to spend more time crawling around on the floor playing with the game boxes then playing the game but he does get a turn and I am sure he has fun. Anyway here are a few pictures from tonight game of the Winnie the Pooh game we played, "Tip & Topple"

Our Cute Little Family!

Kaylees Turn

Daddy & Spencers Turn

Mommy & Spencers Turn

Mommy & her babies playing Tip & Topple


Tiffini said...

So fun I can't wait till Hailey can really interact! I love reading your blog then us here in U.S cause of your wording. Especially "Lovely" It's crazy how both countries are English but use different words.

Sarah Coyne said...

These are such fun games! I remember when Nathan and Kaylee used to play them at your house! I MISS YOU GUYS!!!